Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday Finds: Scarves and Other Neck Warming Devices

It has been a really busy week for me.  My clothing chooses were usually thrown together at the last second and go for comfort and ease then style (no one wants to see the combo I did today...yikes).  But my trusty collection of scarves have saved the day, instantly transforming any outfit from boring to simply styled. 
With this busy week has brought little time to for me to wander the virtual aisles of Etsy, but when I was trying to think of what I wanted to search for I couldn't leave my favorite accessory out of the mix. 
The scarf is not only my go to accessory it has an amazing way of warming my entire body with just a few wraps around my giraffeish neck.  And now that it is getting cold outside I will be wearing one almost everyday.  Thank you scarves and all you other neck warming devices.  This Etsy Friday Finds is for you.

  1. Orange you Happy
  2. Cool Grey
  3. Vents and Buttons
  4. Milk Chocolate Glitter
  5. Hoodie Scarf
  6. Tie me up in a bow
  7. In the leafy tree tops
  8. Loopy
  9. Collar
As I searched for new and interesting designs I kept finding myself landing on this designer.  I only included a couple of her items, but she had some unique styles.  Check out more here.

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